Traditional dress (khopi, ghogor, komol or ghogor komol) identity of johar
Shauka women
Unlike our language, physical structure, custom culture, tribal values, our traditional dress (khopi, ghogor, komol) with contemporary ornaments also reflect our identity. In order to protect identity of small and rich culture of tribal communities, bhotia tribe of johar valley’s present generation will have to free them from inferiority complex, feeling shy to identify him to the group he / she belong. It is applicable to many small many tribal groups. As a result many languages and dresses and cultures of different communities have vanished; this is the latest report in the TOI news paper. Reason is obvious we do not teach our language to our children at home and started adopting Hindi or English in day to day means of communication It is a disappointing trend for the society people, unless we acquaint our children about our language and other related systems, future generation will not be able to understand about our culture, custom and hardships faced by our ancestors for the well being of their coming generations will go in vain.
Here I wish to describe about traditional dress. We can recognize the people on the basis of traditional dress of a particular community. In our case the bhotia community of johar valley the change is very rapid. Our traditional dress is almost vanished, this is because of we feel shy of about own dress style or do not want to be identified as bhotia tribe of johar valley or change of place causing effect of climate since most of the families have migrated to different places, far from own brotherhood and compelled to live alone in the vicinity of other community people. As a result adapting majority language and dress code in new environment, keeping aside own language and dress which we got in inheritance. This is the consequence of rapid speed of adaptability in the new habitat, thus endangering community identity.
Truly speaking, community must feel pride of our traditional dress which is a symbol of our identity instead of eliminating by switching over to others customs, languages and dresses Our young generation seems to be reluctant to identify themselves with the community connection because of parent’s lack of proper guidance to assimilate not destroy thought of brotherhood and goodwill upon which our identity and unity within the community is based. I can understand in the global village concept era, our children must learn national and international languages, they have to work in various places and deal with people coming from various cultures, they get exposed in global environment, it is impossible to think about self interest only, we have to deliver the best to the organization where we work and the society where we reside, keeping our identity alive which should go down to generations.
Joshmath visit—in the year 1981 I visited joshimath, while walking through main road after noon, in the mean time people were coming out of picture hall after the show was over, to my surprise I saw tribal women wearing traditional dress in significant numbers were also in the cinema goers’ crowd. I had never experienced such a scene. It could be understood that they were not feeling any kind of inconvenience wearing local dress; rather they all were returning happily towards their dwells. It was unforgettable moment for me which was never possible in our side. They did not care what others think about dress, rather liked to be identified wearing traditional dress, their boldness and respect for ancient values and traditions compelled me to salute them. Simultaneously I was thinking why our people ignore their own identity? Other tribal groups want to be recognized as distinct tribe groups where as our community people wish to mingle with the locals adopting their systems which will ultimately erase separate identity.
Dharchula tribal thought- In the same context I wish to explain, dharchula tribal groups (darma, chaudas and byas) have always been emotionally attached to their custom, culture, language, traditional dress with ornaments. They do not hesitate to demonstrate affection for the same. This is why they are still maintaining their distinct identity despite tremendous performance in terms of holding top positions in state administration and other services. Bhotia tribe of dharchula in the month of June 2010 organized an annual meeting / seminar at pangu in which majority of service class persons attended along with hundreds of men and particularly women in traditional dress with contemporary ornaments also participated, honorable chief minister was the chief guest. This was the direct communication, interaction with area people, sharing of experiences and suggestions from elders, women, and youths about the future activities to be carried on for the welfare of community people. We too have been holding seminars and workshops for last two / three decades for the community development and feel satisfaction that others are also following our community development programs. Simultaneously our endeavor will be to keep the distinct johar valley bhotia tribe identity in order to see community as a whole is not disintegrated. JSS Lucknow has been playing key role for many years to keep our culture and tradition, in tact, so that our future generation continue the same to save the community identity from elimination.
Jaunsar bhabar alert- During service period I got opportunity to move in chakrota tribal tehsil of Dehradun district which is called jaunsar bhabar unique tribal sect famous for amazing culture and tradition. They are proud of their cultural heritage and love immensely which can be felt the way they demonstrate and enjoy in social functions wearing traditional dress with contemporary ornaments. They seem to be very alert about their culture and tradition. in my opinion outside cultural attach will never be tolerated by jaunsar bhabar tribal. It is good news Sri G.S.Pangty is promoting and encouraging johar tribal women to wear traditional dress (gadi komol) and ornaments, in order to make it more popular he has decided to organize a competition at Milan Kendra, bhotia parav in Haldwani.after being elected president of johar Milan Kendra, Haldwani. He is associated with a trust as well. This is a first time this kind of competition has been organized in haldwani to protect community identity to save from erasing. I appreciate and congratulate pangtyji for nice initiative. G.S.Pangty is a brilliant son of johar ki mati who has been a super achiever in his professional life I have had opportunity to work under him and I can say he is very positive person in dealing with others on any problem or issue. This is why in the organization wherever he served as a leader, people remember him with great respect, earned tremendous popularity and give credit to him for the progress they have made in the most reputed financial institution. Many in achievers in LIC treat him as their role model. Since now after retirement, though, a bit late he has taken up to work for the society I find he has taken the right choice and we have got a very effective, sinere and competent person who will proof himself a super performer in the society improvement task in all respect. Even in LIC a giant organization his knowledge, innovative skill and creativity was underutilized. Now we should whole heartily support and co operate in his endeavor by harnessing his intellect for the community development. He has got huge working potential besides other qualities and believes in tangible results. Change is inevitable, let’s expect the best.
Devender Jangpangi.